Tuesday, August 16, 2016

2016 Remain Loyal to Jehovah Regional Convention

Julian did FANTASTIC at our Regional Convention in Dayton, OH, this year. Such a trooper!!1




Until next year . . .

Year ONE

Well, it's official! Julian is now 2 years old. This last year has been so much more eventful and joyous than the first! No more colicky unhappiness! Shew!

Julian is such a sweet child. He melts my heart as he gives unsolicited hugs and kisses. Sure, he's still a Mama's boy to the core, but he loves his Daddy, and adores his big sister. I know without a doubt, the 2's are not going to be terrible. Julian loves to help clean the house, keeping his toys picked up, and helping "sweep" and "mop" with Mommy.

Jules' favorite thing is ice cream. He loves all of his Caleb videos and reading bedtime stories. I have to read "The Little Blue Truck" every time I put him to bed.

We have lots of fun watching his video of his time as a 1 year old!

His year in review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2Kwl_r1ffQ&feature=youtu.be

Monday, March 28, 2016

Memorial 2016

Well, as a parent, you worry about how your kids are going to act at big events. There are none more important than the Memorial of Christ's death. And we're proud to say that this year was a success! Our little humans were well-behaved: before, during, and after. No running, no squirming, no talking. Julian did very well in his little man suit. I think he was really digging his hat and bow tie, even if he did look like a train conductor! LOL! We're pretty proud parents!

A Name

My grandfather is one of the kindest men I've ever known. My grandmother recently told me how at one time he didn't think his legacy would continue, that he thought he'd be the last Grayson. (He had two daughters.) Well, it just so worked out that my brother and I were given my mom's maiden name, thus continuing on the pride of my grandfather. Then, my brother solidified the prospects with three boys of his own. Finally, Julian came along, and my grandmother told me that Papaw was overjoyed that his name would live on through me, also. Which gave me the inspiration for this pic. It's the first I've ever done like this, so I'll keep at it until it's perfect. But at this moment, I think I understand his family pride

Julian will carry on name only my name, but his.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ear Tubes

After having five ear infections in the last three months, Julian's doctor and ENT recommended ear tubes for out little guy. He may have inherited my bad tubes. My ears never drained properly for me. I was always sick as a kid, too. And I still continue to get sinus infections too frequently. I hope to goodness that this help him and he can go more than a few weeks without being sick.

This video shows he had no ill effects from the procedure he endured!

That Laugh!

We are hoping the best for our crazy little dude!

First Year

So our little boy is ONE year old now. I can't lie. It's been a kaleidoscope of emotions. Not sure where we are in our Father/Son relationship. My poor son son has was colicky for about the first three months of his life. Even after that subsided, his evening time was continued to be his fussy time. Unfortunately for me, this was the only time I saw him.

As I put together his first annual video, it was very therapeutic for me. It looks likes Julian has had some pretty happy moments in his young life. And has a dad, that's all you really care about. We've got a lot of time to get close. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here every day. For every moment. Good and bad.

Julian's First Year

Jules loves his big sister; loves to play with her, laugh with her. He also loves his elephant that he sleeps with every night. But most of all, he adores his Mommy. No one can comfort, love, and play as good as her.  And I'm OK with that. It's a special bond that's priceless to watch.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Kentucky Horse Park

Julian's first encounters with horses was a success. Though he's only one year old, and limited in how involved he can be, he definitely wanted to be on the scene. No staying in the stroller for him!

He was able to pet and see the animals up close, which he gleefully applauded!

Love that our kids get to experience all that life offers!