Monday, April 6, 2015

Back in January

Wow!  So much has been going on in our Little Man's life over the last  few months.  The poor little booger has been sick so often this winter. He's had several ear infections. He's had RSV, which was super, duper scary.  Listening to him wheezing, and laboring to breathe was insanely difficult. We felt so helpless.  The constant breathing treatments with the nebulizer seemed worthless.  But thankfully, he was almost always in a good mood.  He was mostly a happy baby despite feeling so sick.

He's gotten to see a lot of family and friends over the winter, which was mostly mild.

We just love his infectious smile and beautiful smile!  Little King Julian.

Something New

Well, we've been having some fun times with little Julian. Finally, he's starting to like me.  He's fallen asleep on me three times in the last two weeks. Preciousness.

And then he's been trying new things.

  • Rolling over now. We had to stop swaddling him since he now rolls over onto his stomach while sleeping. 
  • Food. He's been liking his rice cereal, but now loving his "real" food. Grunting for more just like his big sis.
  • Belly laughs. His first real belly laugh was tonight. Zoe started it by playing with him.  It's just amazing how much they love each other.