Monday, June 29, 2015

Growing Boy

It's been so much much watching our little boy grow up over the last few months. His smile is heartwarming, his laugh is infectious.

He's definitely a Momma's boy right now, And definitely Zoe's brother.  It's just amazingly beautiful watching him adore her. 

When he was six months old, the love and admiration for his sister really started to emerge. 

Julian also started to do his combat crawl and lifting himself onto his elbows. And Mommy and I haven't been able to sit down since!

It's funny, too.  Funny that you have to develop a relationship with your children. It's not automatic. It's definitely something that grows over time. We love every minute of it, too!

Now that he's eating other foods besides baby food, let the growing really begin! He loves bread and mashed potatoes!

I'm guessing the it's a pretty even split as to how many cereal puffs end up on the floor or his mouth.

Julian loves it when his big sister climbs into his crib to hang out.  We love how their friendship/relationship just continues to grow stronger with each day.

But nobody comes close to the bond he has with Mommy. Not even close. 

Mommy and I were really surprised and happy that our Lil Man smiled and looked at the camera for his daycare pictures.  Super excited!

This is one of my favorite pictures. Julian laughing it up at his big Sis tickling him.  His squinty eyes and wide open smile remind me of Laurel & Hardy for some reason! haha

Julian really like hanging out at Uncle Ernie & Aunt Janoa's house. They have the coolest drums to bang on. He also liked the adventures at Indianapolis Children's Museum.

Sometimes you've just got to pose for pictures before field service. :)

We were able to get some family pictures done with Bill Caine. The kids weren't really enthused about the process. But they warmed up to it . . . for a little while, anyway. 

We were able to go see the Great Balloon race in Danville, KY. Both the kids loved watching all the colorful balloons. That's something I always wanted to go to as a kid, but never was able to.

You can find all kinds of fun things to do in downtown, Lexington. You may even stumble upon some orphans in a dark alley.

This is hands down my favorite picture of my little minions. Their personalities are showing 110%. I couldn't have planned the pic any better.

 I love that my grandparents have gotten to meet and know my kids. With their health issues, I was scared they may not get that chance.  That's been a great blessing for me personally.

This is another of my favorite pictures. It's my Mona Lisa moment of photography. Just a perfect mood for our porch setting.

I love how happy our family is. I have the most amazing wife, and very happy, well-rounded kids. I feel so undeserving of this life I live. But I'm so thankful.