Saturday, December 6, 2014

Time Keeps Ticking By

Mr. Jules is almost 4 months old now.  That'll be next week.  He's had a rough go of it the last several weeks.  He's been sick with a cold or virus that he just can't shake.  Poor little dude has been on a nebulizer that he HATES! Thankfully he sounds much better, but still has congestion.

On a positive note, very positive, especially for Mommy, Julian is now sleeping through the night.  He's going through a little growth spurt right now, so he has woken up a few times here and there. But we think he's back on track.  That's the BEST news.

And if there's one thing this boy LOVES, it's his big sister.  No joke. She has his attention no matter what.  He just watches her with a big smile on his face all the time. It's really incredible to see.  All the grumps in the world will say, 'Wait until they're teenagers,' or 'Wait until she takes his toys.' I will wait, thank you.  Right now, it's precious.  And I'll take it!

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